Photo by Sofia Sforza on Unsplash

(Continued from part 1)

As Seth Collins approached the judge, she initiated a line of questioning, to which he testified comprehensively. To this day, I still question whether I indeed carried out all the actions the judge mentioned and what exactly Collins attested to. Persisting, the judge posed another inquiry to Mr. Collins, asking bluntly, "Is Mr. Philip Oyelu responsible for all these allegations?" Collins promptly affirmed, "Yes, he is." With little discourse or reflection, the judge tacitly conveyed her belief in Mary's statements.


"Approach, Mr. Philip," the judge commanded. As I complied, I scanned the courtroom, realizing I was the only male present besides Emeka and Collins Seth.


The judge proceeded, declaring, "We will not be hearing from you anymore, as the newly elected president has already deemed you guilty."


In disbelief, I exclaimed, "Is the president now a judge?" This question lingered in my mind.


I wasn't particularly surprised, considering the new president’s staunch feminism and the empowerment of women through the legalization of equal rights. But honestly, if you were in my shoes, what would you have done?

As I glanced around at the women cheering Mary on, I grappled with the reality of my sentencing to prison. As the police approached to escort me away, I locked eyes with Mary in disbelief. I felt a surge of anger, but I managed to restrain myself and continued moving. However, as I made my way, I noticed Collins and instinctively moved closer to him. As I moved closer to him, the thought of "an eye for an eye" flashed through my mind, and in a moment of impulse, I stretched my hand out to strike him. However, to my surprise, my hand mistakenly landed on Mary's. It seemed she had instinctively intervened, blocking me from hitting Collins. As the police swiftly restrained me, securing my hands with handcuffs, the women continued their discussions, vehemently asserting and validating their belief that I had confirmed myself to be an abusive man. 


Despite my intentions otherwise, Mary remained silent, allowing the others to paint me in a negative light. It was clear that my actions had been misconstrued, but in the heat of the moment, there seemed to be little I could say to change their perceptions. As I languished in prison, the news of my portrayal as an abusive man on TV reached me, casting doubt on my chances of being released. Despite the bleak outlook, I clung to hope, believing that one day perceptions would change, and justice would prevail.’ - {PHILIP}


He validated and verified that he was indeed jail worthy; with his own hands.


With blood rushing out from one part of her eye -the exact area which had been stitched by a doctor some days ago- she screamed in pains.

“I regret marrying you Philip!!!” These were the words that left her mouth and at that moment she really didn’t regret it.


You know this kind of patient love that a woman has for her husband, that despite the fact that he behaves unruly and hard, they’d still hold on to him and patiently stay by his side no matter how long it takes for him to change. And if he doesn’t change, some of them just accept their fate and force themselves to get used to it, all because of love; patient love.


‘Men like you don’t deserve to be loved!” She said. It was from the deepest part of her heart. It was from someone who had given love a try -amidst being patient- but had been treated unfairly, and from that moment, she hated him.


Those words, probed the way for successive nation wide protests with women carrying placards here and there, with inscriptions of ‘MEN DON’T DESERVE TO BE LOVED’ written on them.


After such a scenario in the court, subsequent cases of domestic violence (with women being the unfortunate victims) kept surfacing on daily basis. The NTA, AIT, CHANNELS, ARISE NEWS, all carried these daily events. For as long as three months and counting the country was in pandemonium. Women in different states, came out en mass, Infact it was worse in the country’s capital; Abuja, that the federal government had to interfere by sending the armed forces to the various states.


Men no longer loved their wives, male partners even became too toxic and possessive. The news was always carrying cases associated with violence towards female partners. Domestic violence.


After the temporal intervention of the Armed forces, the daily protests in highly populated states like Lagos, Kaduna, Delta, Cross river seemed to subside. But when the domestic violence became unbearable, the women went to the streets again with placards, this time, they intensified the protests. That was the best they could do in an unfortunately male-dominant country.










It sounded so funny and ridiculous. The men who watched all these, laughed and laughed. To them, it was just a waste of time. Indeed, it was. Or that it seemed to be.


Infact, a story that went viral in Abuja had it that, one man had spotted his wife (on TV) in the midst of the protesting women and immediately rang her. She was the leader of the Protestants but that was none of his business.


“Are you stupid?!!, Now leave there and come and prepare food for me!” And she bade the other ladies goodbye, dropped her placard by the side of the road and left for the house, in bitterness, while her members stood watching her in bitterness. What could she do?


The moment a bill was submitted, to withhold the right of men in the society; the men sat up a bit. Though they felt or that they knew that such bill would be thrown into the trash no sooner than it had been submitted, the wise ones understood that it was getting serious. 


Soon it would become a serious issue. And it did; because a year later, a female emerged as president. The first ever, in the country.


The way it happened was unexplained. How Lady Aina Rita worked her way to winning the election, has never been known till date. She was a widow who had lost her husband several years ago due to some health complications. All I can remember  is that she first started her movement and little campaign in Ogun state, a place where women were at least given some public rights. That was why the protests thrived so well in such an area. 


I can remember that, she was despised by all men and even some women had to take the sides of their husbands. It was as a result of fear; Fear of being beaten to death by their husbands. Some of the brave ones, secretly met at night while the men were asleep. They would meet behind a town hall and bring up ideas and new strategies. Such hidden strategies were her stepping stones to success.


And when she won, hell was let loose.

Every woman was given such right to hold a gun as a form of defense. Men weren’t permitted to be in custody of such; infact they were to be treated as non-entities thenceforth.

The day they found out how terrible such action towards them was, 

Was when a woman shot a bike man out of anger because he wouldn’t give her the remaining change which he owed her. The man fell to the floor and gave up the ghost few seconds later while everyone continued with their normal business, not even the female police officers on duty, said a word.


For the next two decades, there was nothing called romance or love. There was nothing like wedding programs, marriage ceremonies, courtship, night dates or even relationship counsellors, such things had been dissolved because love didn’t exist again. Interpersonal relationships between man and woman grew cold. Men didn’t want to have anything to do with women neither did the female want to have anything to do with them too.


Once, my neighbor and her husband had a misunderstanding and he was about raising his hands to touch her when she pulled out her gun.

“I will kill you now and you can do nothing about it” she said, pointing it steadily at him. He retreated and went to his room ashamed. 


Another story had it that one man tried to poison his girlfriend, and she miraculously found out just in time before eating the food. She made him kneel down for three hours, and after punishing him to her taste, she shot him dead.


The effect of such bill was rapidly taking a toll on families and relationships.


Within few months of such a bill being passed against men, there was turmoil in the country. Hilariously, men came out en mass to protest; the very first of its kind. 


Well, the protests had little to no effect, they all fell on deaf ears because the government was Aina Rita, and Aina Rita was the government, who wasn’t at all ready to listen to them. The wealthy ones amongst the men, resorted to leave their partners and families in the country, and flee for their dear lives, but Her excellency Aina Rita ordered that all embassies should be shut down till further notice. Another nightmare to the other gender.


(The present)

There’s a knock on my door; Lilian comes in.

“Mummy, Aunty Vicky is here, so are we going shopping today?” She asks in a humble manner, her eyes looking at me with desperation.


I nod my head and she jumps up in excitement. I smile as she comes to hug me; I kiss her lightly on her forehead. 


“I love you baby”  I whisper to her.


Few seconds later, Vicky my younger sister who lives some buildings away from me, comes into the room;

“Good morning Vanessa, I bought you akara and pap from the kiosk opposite the house”


My face lightens up; such combination is my best delicacy; I smack my lips in delight.

“Are we still going shopping?” She asks 

“Sure, let me eat first”.


I watch as Lilian runs out of the room, still jumping with excitement 

“Ice cream, ice cream” she says.


After eating, I go in to get prepared for the shopping experience, and soon I’m done. 


I can tell for sure that my one and only child; Lilian is so excited for such an opportunity to be out of the house again. Asides from going to her school which is located few meters away from home, I usually don’t allow her to go anywhere; I just want her to be safe and avoid boys or men who don’t and will never mean any good to her.


On our way back, I watch her from behind as she walks briskly with her tiny legs. She’s all I’ve got in this world; I know I’m all she’s got too. 


Her father? Nah…She has none; I am both a dad and a mum to her. I had her through an IVF just like all women are doing these days, and I’m really okay with that.


With the irritating behavior of men in such a country, tell me why any lady would want to fall in love again? I’ll continue to believe that men don’t deserve to be loved and they will never be.


Not long, a bike man mistakenly splashes dirty water from a pothole, on me. He stops immediately and starts to blame me for not moving out of the way.


You see? They will never learn. And women like me, will always force them to. I cock my gun and point it towards him; I release the bullet, and he’s gone.


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