Photo by Lucas Gouvea (

Every man from African sees the world from different angles. But there is still one thing or the other which they all almost have, in common. To some, it begins to manifest at an early stage, while some may begin acting in such way, a bit later; in life. What could these be?

In this write up, you will get to see some traits of an African man; his strength, his believes, weaknesses and shortcomings.

(NB: SUCCESS in this context will only and narrowly be related to living a comfortable life; it doesn’t have to be luxury. It is narrowed down to living an average normal life.)

The typical African man is hungry for success; he gets up each morning telling himself that if he can survive the previous day then nothing should hinder him from surviving every other day. He hopes that every day brings more opportunities; he doesn’t believe solely on luck; he believes that he can attain success by working towards it. He wouldn’t sit and fold his hands waiting for things to get better, he strives and does his best in the various ways he can; that is why he will venture into several businesses alone.

The African man will have a particular thing that keeps him going; everyday. Some believe in God, some believe In motivational quotes, some believe in their other deities, while some will silently look up to some greater individuals whom they take as role models.There is always something that keeps him going.

A lot of African men have lost their lives in the process of struggling to attain success, while some have also succeeded after several years of toiling and hardship; starting from nothing to something. And when they look back at such a life journey and those who stood by them during the long journey they get to understand more on how life is; that is why every African man will always have his own life story to tell.

Once there is life, Nothing can stop the African man from achieving what he sets his mind to do. It is only himself that can stop him. The greatest decision an African man can make is to believe in himself and once he does that, every other thing is history, because that gives him the greatest amount of confidence which will keep him going forever and ever.

It is rare to see any African man being confused at any point, because he knows what he wants in every situation. He might be termed stubborn, dogged, and heady by family members and loved ones but he interprets it to himself as them not seeing what he sees. And he believes that time shall explain everything. Despite all these, he silently pushes on, even though most times, he goes through the journey alone. 

The hard-work of an African man will always be credited and ascertained in the history of slave trade. Right from time, he has always been conditioned to work so hard; though at a younger age he might grumble over and over again, but when he is older, he finally understands and gets used to it; he then concludes that he has to work even harder. You will rarely see an African man sitting and lamenting on any of his crashed ambitions. No matter how weighed down he might be; he knows that he still has to get up and keep pushing. 

An African man will take millions of unimaginable risks which he will forever keep to himself. That is how he is wired to be; he wouldn’t want to share it with the other gender whom he believes would always raise alarm and query such actions. Infact, an African man will choose to die honorably than lodge his complaints to whoever.

When it comes to knowledge, it is a thing of beauty and admiration when an African man knows, and knows that he knows. And when he knows that he knows, he would once in a while appreciate a little credit from his family; he might find inner joy when a family member (especially his wife) validates and gives credit on the fact that (he knows that he knows).

When this doesn’t happen, he might be bitter or just accept his fate; nevertheless he would still encourage himself, because he knows that he knows.

Everything becomes a big problem when he actually doesn’t know but still claims to. Infact, It is also a thing of beauty when an African man Knows that he doesn’t know, and instantly admits it.

The African man will joke and be playful when it is time to. Of course, he will have lots of friends and people whom he relaxes with; only that he will always be on guard and ready to decipher what situations call for being mild and being lax. Infact, his friends know his principles and he knows theirs too. 

When it comes to showing off, Any African man who worked so hard to succeed may not have the time to show off or flaunt his possessions because he’s working to make more money; unlike the opposite gender in some cases.

And when it comes to success, an African man will always love to share his success story in the presence of his family or any other gathering where he is sure the people are keen on listening and learning from him. He always believes that it would be an inspiration to others; and it sure does. 

In discussions or encounters with different people in his lifetime, the African man might not be so desperate for recognition. Instead, he would find every way possible to say out some of his believes and the way he sees life. It would always give this sense of confidence to himself and the world.


One of the greatest weaknesses of an African man will be his family and loved ones, and In some cases whatever he has set his mind to do, which unfortunately crashes in the end; in summary, where his heart lies. Once any of these factors goes hare-why, he is not at rest; no matter how strong he might seem to be. The true emotions of an African man will reflect when incidents relating to where his heart lies, arise. Heartbreaking issues such as losing a loved one, a breakup, losing so much money and the likes. 

An African man will hardly want to cry to the face of everyone, but when he does, the whole family will automatically cry with him without questioning; because it is a clear indication that he is grieved.

The killer factor of an African man is Self. Once success (this time luxury) comes knocking at the door, an African man might tend to become more self centered; he might tend to boast about his achievements and would only see himself in the picture. An African man would tend to quickly forget whoever helped him reach his goals to attain such luxury. He would also tend to forget about building the people around him who might have been rooting for his success from the start. He is the greatest problem of himself. In summary, he might tend to turn deaf ears to everyone.

The killer factor can also be broken down into things like greed, envy and hatred which will in one way or the other, influence his quest for money. In the end it all points back to himself. If he can overcome this killer factor(s), then he would do more good than harm to himself.

The anger of an African man will also be considered. Of course he should get angry because he is human, but the way he handles it, tells more about him. Some might tend to be destructive, constructive or even logical (speaking out of thorough analysis instead of mere sentiments). When two African men get into a heated arguement,  it takes a whole lot for it not to end in a fight. This is because two people who only believe in their own opinions are arguing. Infact even when an African man is losing an argument he would still want to stand his ground till the argument is over. Sometimes, when he is wrong, he just simply finds it hard to admit it.

And when an African man dies; there would always be a good and bad story about him because he would keep telling himself that he wasn’t living to please anybody.

(What are your thoughts on the African man?)


  1. An African man can be ambitious but if he has no encouragement or reasons to succeed, he can lose himself. He can still get what he has been fighting for and he can still feel empty after everything.


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