

  Photo by Lucas Gouvea ( Every man from African sees the world from different angles. But there is still one thing or the other which they all almost have, in common. To some, it begins to manifest at an early stage, while some may begin acting in such way, a bit later; in life. What could these be? In this write up, you will get to see some traits of an African man; his strength, his believes, weaknesses and shortcomings. (NB: SUCCESS in this context will only and narrowly be related to living a comfortable life; it doesn’t have to be luxury. It is narrowed down to living an average normal life.) The typical African man is hungry for success; he gets up each morning telling himself that if he can survive the previous day then nothing should hinder him from surviving every other day. He hopes that every day brings more opportunities; he doesn’t believe solely on luck; he believes that he can attain success by working towards it. He wouldn


  Photo by pawel Janiak on unsplash I yawned to the bright morning and stretched myself. I heaved a sigh of relief after I noticed how cold the weather had turned out to be. For the past few days the hot weather had been unbearable. I turned to run my hands through his beards. I usually did that every morning, because tom’s beards were so warm and nice to touch. When I couldn’t feel anything, I opened my eyes to discover that he wasn’t there. “Tom?” I called out, but there was no reply. My eyes moved to the door of the restroom which was half open; he wasn’t there.  I looked at the wall clock which hung on the wall, facing the bed where I lay. It was 7:25am. It was unlike Tom to be out of bed by such time. He usually worked late into the night and then slept late into the morning. I went downstairs to check for my lover. With various thoughts like (‘maybe he’s hungry and has gone to eat in the kitchen’….’what if he couldn’t fall asleep just as he complained the other day and is probabl